31 January 2022

Written by: Muhommed Patel, Master of Business Administration alumni  

The impact of Covid-19 has certainly awakened the dormant digital bug that resides in each of us. The opportunity to drive digital value propositions has therefore never been more relevant than in today’s business environment. As such, my 2022 is focused on driving digital capabilities that not only add convenience to the end user, but also give impetus to new digital business models that can lead the financial services sector into today’s digital world.

My focus will be driving digital business models that are structured with the client in mind, to ensure that the client is at the heart of all digital and human touch services. This means financial services clients will have the choice of using either digital services or experiencing the warmth and expertise of financial advisers. Some of the objectives I aim to achieve include personalisation, omnichannel experiences, awareness, convenience, self-service, and a very strong focus on user experience (UX) and user interface design (UI).

My overall focus is to humanise the financial services client experience through the various touchpoints that clients may have access to, be they human or digital. I hope to achieve this by leveraging digital capabilities to augment digital and product value propositions by creating client-centric experiences, regardless of the touchpoint a client opts to use.
