Business School

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA)

On your way to an MBA, you need Milpark’s dynamic PGDip (Business Administration) for admission. The PGDip (Business Administration) equips you to excel in the marketplace by providing an immersive experience that will equip you with a variety of skills, such as critical and strategic thinking, problem-solving, responsible, and ethical leadership. Graduates will receive credits for four modules towards the Milpark MBA, which will enhance their career prospects and assist by reducing the time taken to complete the MBA.

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NQF Level




Minimum Credits


The Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDip (Business Administration)) provides the opportunity for prospective students with an undergraduate degree to gain general and advanced knowledge of business administration and management. Students without management experience can engage in a challenging curriculum covering finance, strategic management, design thinking for problem solving, business research, business ethics and corporate governance, and social responsibility and environmental management.

Having a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration will enable you to:

  • read and interpret introductory, functional and advanced literature in the field of management science
  • communicate effectively, using graphical and language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation
  • demonstrate understanding of the business world as a set of open systems, in which each element is embedded in an array of interrelated elements
  • collect, organise, analyse, and critically evaluate relevant information to enhance management decision‐making
  • undertake research projects
  • identify and solve problems in the field of business management, using critical and creative thinking
  • demonstrate an awareness of the economic, social and political factors which affect public managers and business people
  • apply conceptual knowledge and practical skills in a specific work context, either working alone or in teams.


The Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDip (Business Administration)) provides the opportunity for prospective students with an undergraduate degree to gain general and advanced knowledge of business administration and management. Students without management experience can engage in a challenging curriculum covering finance, strategic management, design thinking for problem solving, business research, business ethics and corporate governance, and social responsibility and environmental management.

An additional prospect, after completing the qualification, is to enrol for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a research Master’s degree to further career prospects in management and administration. Students who proceed and are admitted to Milpark’s Master of Business Administration degree, will receive module exemptions from the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration.


On your way to an MBA, you need Milpark’s dynamic PGDip (Business Administration) for admission. The PGDip (Business Administration) equips you to excel in the marketplace by providing an immersive experience that provides you with a variety of skills, such as critical and strategic thinking, problem-solving, responsible, and ethical leadership.

Graduates will receive credits for four modules towards the Milpark MBA, which will enhance their career prospects and assist by reducing the time taken to complete the MBA.


Successful completion of this qualification should enable the student to:

  1. Read and interpret introductory, functional, and advanced literature in the field of management science.
  2. Communicate effectively, using graphical and language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of the business world as a set of open systems in which each element is embedded in an array of interrelated elements.
  4. Collect, organise, analyse, and critically evaluate relevant information to enhance management decision-making.
  5. Undertake research projects.
  6. Identify and solve problems in the field of business management, using critical and creative thinking.
  7. Demonstrate an awareness of the economic, social, and political factors that affect public managers and businesspeople.
  8. Apply the conceptual knowledge and practical skills in a specific work context, either working alone or in teams.


Module name  Code Credits  C/E
Finance for Non-Financial Managers**  FNFM01-OS  Bridging
General Management Environment  GENV01-8  15  Compulsory
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance  BECG01-8  15  Compulsory
Social Responsibility and Environmental Management  SREM01-8  15  Compulsory
Management Accounting and Finance  MAFI1A-8  15  Compulsory
Design Thinking for Problem Solving  DTPS01-8  20  Compulsory
Strategic Management  STRM01-8  20  Compulsory
Research Methodology  BRES01-8  20  Compulsory
**This module is compulsory for all students who have not studied financial management at an undergraduate level or have no working experience in financial management. This programme must be completed within the first semester of studies before attempting Management Accounting and Finance MAFI1A-8.

Entry Route 1

The minimum admission requirement for the PGDip (Business Administration) is a Bachelor’s degree (NQF Level 7).

Admission to the qualification is further subject to academic selection criteria. Applicants must achieve an acceptable rating in the Milpark admission assessment. The applicant must:

  • Have a minimum of three to four years’ relevant work experience.
  • Submit a CV using the Milpark Business School template (the template is available on the online admission application).
  • Submit a one-page essay motivating their admission onto the PGDip (Business Administration).
  • Present themselves for an interview with the Programme

The applicant must also be:

  • proficient in English. (Proof of proficiency may be required for international students.)
  • computer and internet-literate

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) applications*

*Kindly contact the relevant Programme Manager BEFORE applying online for admission on RPL grounds to determine availability, as RPL admissions are limited to 10% of the total intake and it is therefore continuously oversubscribed.

Applicants who do not have the required degree but who have extensive work experience and/or proven leadership in their field of endeavour may apply in terms of Milpark’s Recognition of Prior Learning policy; however, admission on these grounds is limited. RPL applicants must have a minimum of 10 years of employment experience and demonstrate potential to complete the programme. The applicant must:

  • Achieve an acceptable rating in the admission test
  • Submit a comprehensive curriculum vitae on the Milpark Business School template (the template is available on the online admission application) and relevant certificates.
  • Submit a one-page essay motivating why they believe they should be admitted to the programme.
  • Present themselves for an interview with the Programme Manager.

In addition, an applicant may be required to present him/ herself for an interview with the Selection Panel.

Note: only once all Entry Route 1 places have been finalised, can any RPL candidates be admitted onto the qualification.

Other / International certificates

Further to the requirements for admission provided above, foreign nationals or South African nationals seeking to apply for admission onto the qualification based on a non-South African/foreign NQF Level 7 equivalent qualification or degree, must obtain, and submit to Milpark, a Certificate of Equivalence from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (


Block 1
Registrations Close: 24 January 2024


Block 2
Registrations Close: 5 April 2024


Block 3
Registrations Close: 7 July 2024


Block 4
Registrations Close: 13 September 2024

What's next after this?

With your Postgraduate qualification in hand, why not continue your learning journey with us and do your MBA, Doctorate or even another Postgraduate Diploma?